Sharing (Knowledge) is Caring

Image from EveryoneSocial

There is an adage about how sharing is caring to your fellowmen. In an organizational setting, sharing (definitely of knowledge, personal items such as food and toiletries can be a toss-up) to your fellows is even more important – not only that you care for the welfare for your officemates, but for the organization as well. Information is critical, which should be distributed freely to everyone to encourage a learning community and ensure that each person has enough knowledge regarding their jobs and duties which creates better outputs and increased performance.

The organization that I’m in currently enshrines this since technical information is critical, hence we already have an established Knowledge Management Department, which is now a repository of practices and systems that are used by the organization as well as part of strategic planning towards improvement of such. This allows us to have a repository of best practices, and become a center of learning which then serves as a starting point for future endeavors.

However, here lies our biggest problem – how to connect people to the organization’s knowledge management. This is a definite concern especially with the recent set-ups of remote workspaces in the recent pandemic, and the existence of regional units and departments which are miles away from the headquarters. To address this, we have an existing organizational communication system of closed intranet and direct lines to cascade information, and an online repository and learning hub which reiterates and assess operational knowledge of personnel, and ultimately, bridge the gaps. With this, consistency of knowledge is existing, and keeping the org’s integrity facing clients and customers intact.

We enliven knowledge is power, but knowledge sharing is empowerment. By creating a culture of information, we empower everyone from the board, the managers and the staff to be participative and proactive.
